Shipping & Delivery

We ship to all locations within the United States and internationally. Orders are typically processed and shipped within 2-3 business days, 4-11 internationally. Shipping rates will vary based on the size and weight of the item(s) and the destination. Expedited shipping options are available for an additional cost.


What happens if my order shows as delivered, but I don’t have it?

Didn't receive your order even though the tracking link says it was delivered?

If you think your package is lost or missing, we advise you to check with the members of your household or neighbors to find out if they have received or seen your package. We also recommend you check around your property, as it is possible that the parcel was left there. Secondly, reach out to your local courier to confirm the delivery status.

If after all these checks you still cannot locate your package, please contact us at

We do not process refunds for LOST OR STOLEN packages, confirmed DELIVERED by the carrier.

Which are your shipping companies?

We ship through FedEx, DHL, Australia Post, and USPS.